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What does a Book Launch look like...

We have been part of many events in books and other cultural endeavours, sometimes they are quite intimate and sometimes massive...

I'd love to delve into my archives and share stuff, one day when time allows the access of past hard disks!

So, these tow events were recent and both memorable. Matt Cain in  a minute, firstly to be a part of the launch of 'Sisters' by Sally-Anne at an Arts Festival was something very special. She had over 70 fans come along to her 'Cheese, Wine and Crime Night'. She gave us a superb insight into her background of creation and craft of words used for the trilogy, it was quite breath-takingly honest and so interesting for both fans to see and hear the processes but also to get to know Sally-Anne better too, she really did 'access all areas'

It took 2 hours to prepare the room and set the technical things up... want to look good! as she always says!

She took us on the journey of each book... the detail and observation she uses is impeccable. She also is profoundly involving with her narration and characterisation, plus her plots are very very intriguing.

Brenda Giblin interviewed Sally-Anne and drew on some very well noted things within the books without giving anything away!
Her late husband Hal was also an accomplished author, he did historical non fiction.

Most people bought more than one book... I'm expecting a surge of reviews and more sales soon!

Friends and fans all wanted to say 'congratulations' the evening went on for a great amount of time, but everyone was part of it and it was quite magical. I'd advise allowing as much time as you can to do launches, 2 hrs prep, 45 mins for a presentation or interview and 15 mins at least for QnA and maybe an hour for the signing as was the case for Sally-Anne.

She will be at Write Blend, South Rd, Waterloo 7pm on Friday 24th May for a smaller bookshop event and then we have several 'Midsummer Night's of Crime' which will be aired soon at selected libraries.

Bolton lad, Matt Cain grew up when it wasn't so nice and certainly not if you were 'different' in his case 'gay', here he is at a massive event in Bolton with James Edgington who has run the Bolton Pride for the 5 years it's existed and he interviewed Matt.

Matt had over 55 fans and family attend and we needed the PA and refreshments before and after the event, it makes it all 'complete and special'. The event was part of the fab LGBTQ festival at the Museum and Library and also related to the one in Manchester which Matt was off to after.

Using a lovely space in the actual art gallery of the museum was really good, it is a real part of Bolton as is Matt and his book, his account of growing up, love of Madonna and how he discovered himself, dealt with issues and judgements, made and lost and regained friends... got to be proud in many ways and for the whole package to be 'Of Bolton' and organised by my friend Mel and her dedicated colleagues at the Library and museum was truly special.

They had a series of acted monologues about Bolton, one being about Matt, this was the superb actor who played 'young Matt' it's on this and next Saturday throughout the day, do try and go, follow @boltonlms on twitter and Eventbrite.

Having room for the queue is important! We did sales at the exit, refreshments were staffed and run by super staff and volunteers and the queue was solid for 45 mins, just as well..as Matt was due in Manchester for a big event later and if there'd been more folks he'd have had less time to chat and do photos which are really wonderful parts of a book launch.

He liked to add a favourite Madonna song reference to every dedication! He maybe a UB40 fan too...

Matt is a wonderful person, he's bright, funny and very focused on everything he cares about and does, he's written for years and his book is very very good, he let slip a film is on the way... approved by Madonna and all!

We have 4 signed copies at £7 via the Paypal and free postage..be quick...