I have a few friends, less than most people, which is OK, obviously I'm not that influential or attractive or whatever...
But I do have a few friends and thank them for being there.
In the last few years I've met and worked with a few folks who have brought me to love a few things, history and communities...
Today and please note.. on Sat 14th and Sun 15th September you can come and enjoy it too...
The Smithy Heritage Centre in Kiln Lane, Eccleston WA10 nr St Helens is the venue...
At first there is a simple intimate feel for the museum, it's not massive, but it is authentic and has a lot crammed in...
Run by real enthusiasts and luckily supported by a totally fab community, which is what makes these things work.
Even the simplest of things have a story and a meaning, what can you tell me? I'd 'wheely' like to know what you think the Biggest Wheel is for...
I was there and learned an awful lot in just a short time... including why certain woods are used for differing things.
But, you'll tell me what google says.. whoopidoo... NO! come and actually learn and see!
And, centred in the recess above the anvil? is.... answers on a message or in comments...
Sometime back in the not too distant past, things were real, folks worked and I mean worked, they got up at dawn with or without an extra or less hour- always confusing that especially at the time when there was double daylight saving in the War .
They made things from what they had and knew about, let's be honest what could almost all of us do with what they had..
I'll answer..diddly in most cases... because we've accepted Siri says click and drop and binge artificial food into plastic lives... sadly... what a waste eh? Let's try and all learn how to make things and really enjoy the actual processes.
Seriously I just hope a few read this and see this and bother to share and encourage anyone to come and be part of it and anything similar near you...
Or make a trip for a real day out, they had so many people on Saturday it was quite amazing really.
There is so much we all need to know, mostly from the past, not the web of disinformation and corporate grab that is the way most are ensconced in... the reality is the best way to see/learn and understand.... I'm hoping we can all use the internet a bit less time-wise at least and then actually spend real time in real places with real people.
Little things matter, the folks at the Smithy had these lovely and simple- 'make a horseshoe', they were always used to ward of evil, fairies and witches hated iron... so they were often hung at spaces/places that would block their entry...
Luckily the Smithy is happily charmed so no worries of any darkness there...
Simply seeing and then trying to lift this plough would be beyond most , some wouldn't even know what it was or was for...
but will know what an app is... erm and an app in reality is worth?
I think you'll find..nothing... but this is the making of support for life... shouldn't we know and use it? yes!
Apps won't feed you or make you healthy and if anyone thinks an app helps with exercise, think again, it's the exercise that helps-
the app just jogs along with you....
And go on? anyone even know?
I doubt it.... as it goes , I didn't know, but I found out and a lot more too, in person in 5 minutes and had air and light and soon food, all of which are not real in a virtual world and that's my point...even though this blog is in a virtual world... in reality it'd be in your world if we talked and did things together!
It's a wood turning lathe... it's deceptively simple and easy to use... and different woods make different things with understanding their real properties... Paula was so happy to show and let us all try... it was really fun...
Earlier I did mention cake, if not sorry, it went... All homemade and the hog-roast for the meat eaters was superb I hear!
And..there was a new 'theme' for the Smithy/Museum...
#Vikings and they found a local beer... and have a fab new display area... and IF you can make it in September it'll be well worth it... so do try! They had some nice ciders too I hear.
They have a superb local set of artefacts and items to see and learn from, the 2 day event in September is so far off, you can plan to come...
The Formby Viking and Medieval Market day is Sat 28th September and is even bigger than this wonderful event.
Also, we are at the Atkinson in Southport on Fri 31st May 10-4 doing Viking Game demos.... and several other dates in the holidays...
There is a Facebook page run by Leo Kolassa aka Herjan and it links to many wonderful enthusiasts and market stall holders and speakers.
The Viking period and obviously their relationship with the Anglo-Saxons and the legacy left is a real and important part of what and where we live now.
Arnie was very popular, I hope he'll be with us in September!
Our Formby group has expanded the rules and profile of this wonderful old game, Hnefatafl aka Viking Chess, we have developed versions for children and there will be a Junior tournament on Sat 9th October at the Atkinson and an Open one too...
This animatronic dragon really does breath fire/smoke he or she... may well be roaming in September...
So, please bother, even if you can't help or come to events, make the effort to share stuff of real merit for even one person you know who may then see and come, I think sometimes folks forget that the element of online media output that should make it worthwhile is that it's meant to be 'social'.
I'm sorry to tinge a fab thing with a few negative nags, I just find the whole online thing is a drain and not as friendly or helpful as it should be.
I suppose we have to find ways of using online to help and support reality and maybe that will happen, the main thing is look around you for wonderful things, sign up for newsletters and blogs rather than social media itself, i do find it takes far too much free time up and actually folks sort of forget real things they've seen!