I love it when you call, unless you wanna kill me
Every so often we get excited, I'm only taking about books here...
Over 10 years ago I worked with a brand new author, he was introduced as...
A lovely Irish lad who has written a great new book...
I'd heard ALL of that all of the time (insert sex and places)
and it's aimed at kids (or teenagers as we called them then)
and... it's about cannibalism....
It was awesome, The Inferior by Peadar O Guilin and he is lovely, Irish and a fab writer.
We are firm friends, he often stays with me when he comes to event...
He wrote 3 in the series, they were awesome, didn't sell hugely, but they still can..
If you go read them... you may have to trawl ye web though.
He always said he had ideas, we even chatted in advance a few times...
His new book would be incredible and I'd be amongst the first to read it.
He never lies... he's like that, it's a character trait from a good upbringing.
So... I got a Proof or ARC or early reader of The Call and ...
OMG! like yes squee several times over...
It has everything you want, main characters die, bad things happen and you like it, it's funny, fast and very very clever.
The underlying social commentary is acidic and I hope resonates. The fabric of belief in the Old Days and what happened and why... is sheer Andersen/Grimm et all.
But Celtic and very very slick.
Take someone who can't and make them try because they believe in themselves and want to be there when they get there. Take those who could but don't and add pain.
Bring something Fey to life and make it Ferocious... Oh YES!
Fairies don't shimmer and wave wands here, they wave as you die and smile a lot.
Seriously, I also was up there amongst the first to say read The Hunger Games,
ask Sally Nicholls... she wrote about it for a national paper. For IBW a few years ago.
I knew this would be awesome and it doesn't disappoint, it's won and been nominated for major prizes and rightly so, because it's exactly what kids should read and then think and do things about.
The pages turn themselves, well fairy dust I think... But the Sidhe are an immense reworking of Irish Folklore, beautiful and deadly beyond belief, cruel and rightly so.
I could rattle on, I won't I just declarre this my first review on the new site and am so proud it is...to review for a friend and say how wonderful something is makes me so happy. I want you out there to agree so rush to a REAL bookshop and buy a copy, in fact order off me...
Peadar is over in March for part of our WBD campaign and his sequel The Invasion is just out, it is sensational too...
So buy both, send details to me and we'll post for free, we will have Paypal up soon or cheques work too!
I'd go a notch up and say 12 out of 10 by the way, just to be rock and roll...