Some authors say, write what you know and what you like...
This IS a good idea, but ultimately it is the IDEA that makes the story.
So, Sarwat Chadda actually has ideas aplenty and knows his stuff, BIG time...
To tackle one of the planet's biggest sagas, the 'Rama and Sita' Legend and make it accessible for kids, is some doing.
But he does it in style, real style. It races along unlike Indian trains and he brings the culture and poverty to light and we actually feel like we are there, always a good sign.
With mythical demons brought to life and actually killing real people, Mayar the crocodile Rakshasa is particularly brutal, all I can say is he has teeth. Sharp and big ones.
Ash and Lucky are normal Indian-English kids on holiday visiting their uncle a sort of Indiana Jones without a whip, he's been summoned by Lord Savage to read ancient scrolls, seemingly about a lost civilisation, the Harrapan, arguably a sort of Atlanteans as they literally just disappeared...
But Ash did something, he picked up an ancient artefact, possibly one of the fabled Aastra (think arrrows) of the Indian Gods, given to Rama to slay the ultimate Demon, Ravanna after he took Sita to Lanka and held her surrounded by his Demons, maneaters, Asuras or Rakshasas as we call them in this book.
We learn so much about Hinduism and Indian martial arts and their scale of culture just by having a rollicking read. That is quite an achievement for a book aimed at 10-15 year olds and surely it deserves more readers...
Rick Riordan knows how good Sarwat is, he asked him to tour the US when he launched his Joshua Khan books which are awesome too.
I highly recommend this book, it's both pure adrenaline, but more importantly you really get absorbed by the culture and mythology, so cleverly told in flashbacks by Ash, he really is the ultimate eternal champion, but, can he save the day...
11/10 and get a copy from us... I have 2 signed copies and plenty unsigned which we can get dedicated bookplates for...
Drop onto my Paypal and put £6 in and it's all yours.
There are 2 sequels we have stock too...
the 2 signed are the US edtn with the picture shown above, the UK copies are the HarperCollins ones just whizz to amazon to see them.
This IS a good idea, but ultimately it is the IDEA that makes the story.
So, Sarwat Chadda actually has ideas aplenty and knows his stuff, BIG time...
To tackle one of the planet's biggest sagas, the 'Rama and Sita' Legend and make it accessible for kids, is some doing.
But he does it in style, real style. It races along unlike Indian trains and he brings the culture and poverty to light and we actually feel like we are there, always a good sign.
With mythical demons brought to life and actually killing real people, Mayar the crocodile Rakshasa is particularly brutal, all I can say is he has teeth. Sharp and big ones.
Ash and Lucky are normal Indian-English kids on holiday visiting their uncle a sort of Indiana Jones without a whip, he's been summoned by Lord Savage to read ancient scrolls, seemingly about a lost civilisation, the Harrapan, arguably a sort of Atlanteans as they literally just disappeared...
But Ash did something, he picked up an ancient artefact, possibly one of the fabled Aastra (think arrrows) of the Indian Gods, given to Rama to slay the ultimate Demon, Ravanna after he took Sita to Lanka and held her surrounded by his Demons, maneaters, Asuras or Rakshasas as we call them in this book.
We learn so much about Hinduism and Indian martial arts and their scale of culture just by having a rollicking read. That is quite an achievement for a book aimed at 10-15 year olds and surely it deserves more readers...
Rick Riordan knows how good Sarwat is, he asked him to tour the US when he launched his Joshua Khan books which are awesome too.
I highly recommend this book, it's both pure adrenaline, but more importantly you really get absorbed by the culture and mythology, so cleverly told in flashbacks by Ash, he really is the ultimate eternal champion, but, can he save the day...
11/10 and get a copy from us... I have 2 signed copies and plenty unsigned which we can get dedicated bookplates for...
Drop onto my Paypal and put £6 in and it's all yours.
There are 2 sequels we have stock too...
the 2 signed are the US edtn with the picture shown above, the UK copies are the HarperCollins ones just whizz to amazon to see them.