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I saw a twitter post from the wonderful @biggreenbookshop we've chatted before, when I was also a not so big book shop...

They advocated a good idea and to be honest, it is good, it has been done before, I was part of it, I freelanced for The Book Partnership and they had an Indie Only tag line and ran many websites and interacted with media and publishers, they still do, but more on a closed shop circuit now as funding is always the issue... always.

My Idea is MORE LOCAL...

I know lots of new and old authors/illustrators in the NW, there are also quite a few bookshops, I include the Brands here too...

What  we need is a network of events to cover bases, not compete with each other, work with each other... yes it can be done.

So, maybe just maybe...

Let's say, Joseph Delaney is able to do events in the NW, why can't we do a proper tour with several bookshops being linked in and sort of sharing the sales.

IF we hired Preston Footy Stadium, like they did for WBD last few years... and had say 1000 kids come and sold say 1000 books
arguably that could be £3500 of profit to share... why be greedy?

But, will it work? No reason not to...

But everyone has to become equal, no I'm more in need or whatever, let's just see if we can draw strength in numbers and make it work for more not less. I am after all a Social Person and not a Conservatoire...

But, it needs you all to help...

Also, with smaller names and Indie publishing, we need to improve how we allow and grow local talent, for instance, I set, read and judged a writing competition for Just... Southport Writers Club. It was brilliant, really brilliant, but have any of you read their stuff? No. because you aren't aware of it, I promise it was all superb, Shakespearean too.

So, we have myself and Sally-Anne and our illustrators, we are fab you know, we'd love to do stuff on Saturdays and Friday afternoons which is when we can... Or Holidays... But we need you to want to have it happen...

Sally-Anne has just been booked by Liverpool's Writing on the Wall Festival in May, she'll be at Toxteth Library 4 Tuesdays 6-8pm doing Workshops. Why not come and meet us before/after or even at...

follow @wowfest and see their stuff, get involved.

If you can find time drop me an email tonythebook@live.co.uk 

see what we've done since we launched our website www.purplepenguinpublishing.com we've traded for 3 years but only just sorted online, because it takes time... We need to work together for better uses of time, network and share resources and soon.

Let's see if my Idea grows into a real one, for me I have them all the time, I juts need to share them more...

I'll give myself 10/10 for effort and maybe just maybe soon someone else will join the plan for a better way.